Daily 5™ and Cafe™

Every child has different needs to enhance his or her literacy skills. Two sisters, Gail Boushey and Joan Moser combined their 50 years plus of classroom teaching experience to create researched based teaching strategies. The CAFE™ Menu provides the teacher and students with strategies to become successful readers while the Daily 5™ teaches the students to become independent learners. 

The CAFE™ Menu focuses on the goal of Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanded Vocabulary.  Goal setting is an important component of the CAFE™.  Following a reading assessment, I will determine each child’s reading needs and through a one-on-one conference we will discuss the reading goals.  I will provide them with strategies to achieve their goal.  For example: most students will have the goal of “Comprehension” and the most basic strategy is “Check for Understanding”, did you understand what you just read.  I will teach mini lessons explaining the CAFE™ strategies as a whole group, in small groups, and during individual conferences.  The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) match up well with the CAFE™.

The CAFE™ Menu

The Daily 5™ is the structure students will follow to become successful, independent readers.  Choice, a key component of the Daily 5™, is important to engagement in learning. While I’m working with students, the rest of the class will cycle through the five components: read to self, read to someone, independent reading, listen to reading, and word work. 

The Daily 5™ 

Your children will be reading numerous books this year.  To support Daily 5™ we need a large classroom library; if you would like to donate books to our classroom I would be most grateful.  Come and view our CAFE™ and Daily 5™ walls.  I’m looking forward to seeing all the ways your student will grow this school year! 

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