Blogging Rules and Guidelines

By posting or commenting, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines:


  • Should meet the criteria given in the assignment.
  • Always write in full sentences and model good grammar and spelling. Proofread!
  • Ask questions – inspire the discussion!
  • Hyperlink your source (if it was online) as well as anything else that adds to your post
  • Post on time


  • Should be at least 2-5 sentences in length.
  • Respond to others thoughtfully and respectfully.
  • Use your comment to show why you think the topic is important/interesting/controversial.
  • Read the comments posted after yours.
  • Model good spelling and grammar.
  • Only comment on posts after you have read the whole post.
  • Suggested response prompts:
    • This made me think about…
    • I wonder why…
    • Your writing made me think that we should…
    • I wish I understood why…
    • This is important because…
    • I can relate to this…
    • I don’t understand…
    • I found myself wondering…


1. Use appropriate language and be sure that anything you write you are proud of and are prepared to take responsibility for!!  When you put something on the Internet, odds are really good that it will ALWAYS stay on the Internet. 
2. Never EVER EVER give out or record personal information on your blog.
Please – no last names, phone numbers, home addresses, IM screen names etc. 
Again, your blog is a public space on the Internet and anyone, anywhere, could be reading it. So….don’t share anything that you don’t want the world to know. (Check out Blogsafety)
3. Never disrespect anyone or anything in your blog posts. Try your best to make sure you’re not going to offend anyone in your posts.
4. Always check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words. 
6. Make sure things you write about are factual. Link to your sources
7. Be aware of copyright — especially with sounds and images. Make sure what you use is copyright free !! (Just because you find it on the internet does not mean you are free to use it without permission !!) Please review Copyright Issues on the Web and be sure to see Copyright 1” and “Copyright 2” for more information.

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Please be thoughtful and appropriate with your posts. Check for post for grammar and spelling.

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