Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Devin, Collin, and I at Haag Tree Farm  looking for the perfect tree.

My husband, Tim and boys carrying the tree.  It looked small in the field and was  actually 10 feet tall.  Unfortunately, it was difficult to maneuver into the tree stand and ended up falling over the next day.  Next year we will look for a smaller tree.

Enjoy the winter break with your family and friends.  I wish you all peace, happiness, prosperity, and health in 2014!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Adding Tutorials To Your Blog Post

Embedding a google doc in a posting assignment

To embed a google doc in a post do the following

1.Log into your google account
2.Go to your google drive. Click drive
3.Open your google doc
4.Publish your google doc (select file, publish to the web)
5. A dialog box will open with the embed code, copy it
6. Create your blog post
7. Switch to HTML mode
8. Paste your embed code

Embedding A Slideshow In A Post Using Picasaweb Assignment

1) Go to Picasaweb: 2) Go to my albums and create or choose an album 3) In the album choose Public on the web (edit) to publish on the web 4) Choose link to this album 5) Choose embedded slide show 6) Copy the embed code and paste to the blog in your post 7) Tip: if you are adding text type the text first and then copy the embedded code

Embedding a Google Calendar In a Post Assignment

Instructions on how to do this and issues I faced: 1) Enter google email 2) Choose calendar 3) Change setting under my calendar to share 4) Choose the calendar of interest 5) Find the embed code and copy the code 6) Go to your blog and create a post 7) On the HTML tab make labels of assignments,calendar,how to 8) Paste the embedded information 9) change the width to 90% 10) Save, preview, and save The most challenging aspect for me pertained to the steps in google calendar.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's so fun sitting next to you and getting to know you better.  What a lovely looking family you have.  Nice looking blog too.


Hi Melinda
Your blog looks great!  I love the books in the background.